Wednesday, April 11, 2012

After 2 weeks

I have to admit, I am a little disheartened. I want results and I want them fast, well, faster. Then I realize it has only been 2 full weeks of rebounding daily. (minus that one day)

I am doing well it though and have noticed a few changes. One is my bladder control, is soooo much better. I make sure to empty my bladder before and I am good to go for the full 45 mins. So that is a big change after only 2 weeks. In the beginning only a few 14 days ago, I had to take a pee break at least once or maybe more!

I do feel tired some days and drag my arse onto it, knowing I will feel better once I get on. I am never wrong, after about 10 mins I feel great and ready to give it my all again. I feel firmer, as well, and my arms are sure getting some bulk to them. Now I say bulk, but I am not really that big, just a lot more definition than before.

But, the scale is not moving. This is what disheartens me. I am a scale queen, I know it is not good. I have to stand on it every morning. I know I shouldn't, and believe me, I am close to throwing the day wrecker away. Terrible isn't it, that a piece of plastic that glares numbers at you can have such a profound effect on how you see yourself. I have to change this, after all it is a piece of plastic. Hmmmmm, got my wheels turning again. I am going to throw my scale away. Ok, not completely. I am going to put it away somewhere I can't get to it so easily. Thats how addicted I am to it, I realize I must get it away so I am not able to get it easily. Perhaps I can get my hubby to hide it for me. Then I will judge myself by how I feel and only gage how I am doing by the way my clothes fit. Which actually they are fitting better. So new goal, I am not going to weigh my self. Just take the measurements. Which did change a smidgen also this week. I was hoping for more inch loss, but come on, Pearl! It has only been 2 weeks, oh and lets not forget that it was easter weekend... My eating habits have not been pro weight loss. If I had not been rebounding with the amount of food I ate, I would be up in weight and puffy and bloaty. Not a good feeling. I have decided, that I will not weigh myself until I am done my personal challenge. Which now I am at 19 days. But, because I really do not seeing myself quitting after 30 days, I am going to rename this challenge 45 for 45. 45 minutes for 45 days.

The pictures above were taken on Monday night, about 2 weeks after the last ones. I notice only really that my face is smaller. Not too much else from the pictures. We will have to see what the next weeks pictures looks like. I think that once I have built up a strong core of muscles, the fat will start burning in ernest now. Here's to week 3 and beyond!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hello Week 2!

Here we are well into week 2, as it is already Thursday. I have rebounded daily except for one day. The day I missed was a weird day, we decided to go to a show, and well, the camera work was not great and my son and I both got motion sickness! We got our money back for the show, and went home. It had been my full intention of getting my 45 in after the show, but the uneasy feeling in my body told me that I didn't want to start jumping around. Actually I wanted to, but didn't think it would help me feel better. In thinking about it now tho, maybe it would have helped! It was a let down though, because I read the book to the movie we were watching and was really looking forward to the movie. Oh well, I will have to watch it on the small screen in our living room when it comes out on DVD. :) Hope that doesn't make me dizzy.

My stats are not fabulous for after one week. Although I know muscle weighs more than fat, yadda yadda yadda. I still would have liked to see a bigger drop on the scale. But I do have to admit, I feel great and alot more toned. I actually did my measurements and lost. Mostly I lost on my chest, but my tummy seems a lot more taut and also my biceps. I lost over an inch on my chest, it's ok, I got some extra padding to spare. Also, I lost on my hips and thigh a bit. I actually gained on my biceps!

And not to be the queen of exuses, but I also had my monthly visitor, that never helps in the weight department. So I am looking forward to a much better number on the scale this weekend. As far as bouncing goes? I am loving it, there have been a couple days where I was dragging my arse to do it, but once I got on it wasn't long before I was feeling better. It does that for me there is no doubt in my mind, I always feel better once I am on it even after a few minutes. I have to remember I also clocked around 70 hours last week of wor, so I guess, pretty good stats. I am going to post my measurements bi-weekly, It will show a bigger difference. I didn't get anyone to catch me for a picture this week either, but will post pics after 2 weeks as well. I am sure there will be change, I can't wait.

This weekend is the Easter weekend, fortunately, I am working most of it, and will not be tempted by lots of food, so that is good food wise, keep me on track. I did have a couple not so healthy choices this week and well, I am not proud of them. Doing a lot better today. Try, try again!

Anyway, things are bouncing along nicely, and I am enjoying my new fitter self very much. I find myself, feeling a lot better about how I look in clothes. Self confidence can only get better from here!

Till next time! :)