I am doing well it though and have noticed a few changes. One is my bladder control, is soooo much better. I make sure to empty my bladder before and I am good to go for the full 45 mins. So that is a big change after only 2 weeks. In the beginning only a few 14 days ago, I had to take a pee break at least once or maybe more!
I do feel tired some days and drag my arse onto it, knowing I will feel better once I get on. I am never wrong, after about 10 mins I feel great and ready to give it my all again. I feel firmer, as well, and my arms are sure getting some bulk to them. Now I say bulk, but I am not really that big, just a lot more definition than before.
But, the scale is not moving. This is what disheartens me. I am a scale queen, I know it is not good. I have to stand on it every morning. I know I shouldn't, and believe me, I am close to throwing the day wrecker away. Terrible isn't it, that a piece of plastic that glares numbers at you can have such a profound effect on how you see yourself. I have to change this, after all it is a piece of plastic. Hmmmmm, got my wheels turning again. I am going to throw my scale away. Ok, not completely. I am going to put it away somewhere I can't get to it so easily. Thats how addicted I am to it, I realize I must get it away so I am not able to get it easily. Perhaps I can get my hubby to hide it for me. Then I will judge myself by how I feel and only gage how I am doing by the way my clothes fit. Which actually they are fitting better. So new goal, I am not going to weigh my self. Just take the measurements. Which did change a smidgen also this week. I was hoping for more inch loss, but come on, Pearl! It has only been 2 weeks, oh and lets not forget that it was easter weekend... My eating habits have not been pro weight loss. If I had not been rebounding with the amount of food I ate, I would be up in weight and puffy and bloaty. Not a good feeling. I have decided, that I will not weigh myself until I am done my personal challenge. Which now I am at 19 days. But, because I really do not seeing myself quitting after 30 days, I am going to rename this challenge 45 for 45. 45 minutes for 45 days.
The pictures above were taken on Monday night, about 2 weeks after the last ones. I notice only really that my face is smaller. Not too much else from the pictures. We will have to see what the next weeks pictures looks like. I think that once I have built up a strong core of muscles, the fat will start burning in ernest now. Here's to week 3 and beyond!