So that is what I do on the rebounder. I love it, some songs I just keep it to a good health bounce and the next I ramp it up a bit, by jogging faster and flailing my arms all over. I don' t really flail, but it might look like it to someone observing me.
This week is a busy one for me I have so much going on, lets see I am working a total of .... The math is too hard, basically I do not have a day off till sunday, but really I work an overnight shift Saturday and get home Sunday morning, so it is a sleep day for me. Some days 12 hours some 8, so I am not talking short days of work. Thankfully, I do not work as hard on some of jobs than I do on others. People are always asking me how I do it, keep 2 or 3 jobs, and I just shrug, matter of neccessity. For now anyway. So anyway the only reason I went on this ramble, was to show that if I can fit the 45 minutes in, plus taking care of a toddler, teenager and hubby as well, than really anyone can! Also, I think that the rebounding is helping me in the energy department.
Haha, my post title is starting measurements, and well, I think I may be procrastinating on posting them. I took them on Monday evening. But, before I do that.... I wanted to mention what else I am doing for this health revolution I am taking. :)
I have started taking Royal jelly and bee pollen. Granted I just started the pollen last night. The royal jelly I started about 2-3 weeks ago. I love it, I find it gives me energy and a clear mind. I used to be soooo tired on a 12 hour night shift around 5 a.m., and would take reading in to do to pass the time, but come that hour it was almost pointless to keep reading as I couldn't retain or follow what I was reading. Lately I must say, I am able to read the whole night and actually understand what it is I am reading. I almost feel I could go on, after being up 24 or so hours, but I usually go straight to bed, and sleep like a baby for a good 4 hours any way, (those days if I am not working another night shift I go to bed quite early as well. Anyway, that a lot more rambling, but I just wanted to let you know what else I am doing. Today I took a new Royal jelly supplement, the concentrated powder, with the bee pollen. Woe, I told my hubby that I felt like I drank 17 cups of coffee. Felt the buzz but without the jitters. So then I did my 45 mins on the rebounder.
So enough procrastinating, my starting measurements for the first week are: uhg...
Arm: 12 inches
Chest: 461/2 inches
Waist: 42 inches
Hips: 47 inches
Thigh: 23 inches
I guess I shouldn't be so negative, I have to start somewhere right? Here's to reducing these inches!!!
I have also decided to make this a 30 day rebounding challenge. Just for fun. First I thought a 100 day challenge but I don't think I am ready to commit to that. I can do 30 days tho, and maybe it will turn into 100 days. Time will tell. ;-) I already have 5 days under my belt!
Diet wise the week is going great, keeping within my point values, and making pretty good choices. I am looking forward to my trout this evening....
But, I digress... Till next time!
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